Your Path to Longevity Starts Here

Dive into our tailored approach to longevity from IV Therapy to Aesthetic Services.

Personalized Longevity


Advanced testing allows us to dig deep. Your functional provider will look for the root cause of your symptoms and strive to bring you to optimal not just “normal” levels, preventing illness before it reaches advanced stages, and promoting longevity. 

Customized Plan of Care
Wellness Modalities

Go well beyond the average and nurture your body from the inside out with our personalized approach to longevity.

Book A Functional Medicine Appointment



Soften lines, look refreshed, and improve your mood
Treatment time: 30 minutes

Black Diamond Laser Treatment
Correct Hyperpigmentation
Acne Treatment
Glo Peel

Amplify your natural beauty for ageless results.

Book An Aesthetic Services Appointment

IV & Injection Therapy


Rehydrate and alkalinize your body with 1 liter of Lactated Ringers.
Total infusion time: 75-90 minutes
Add-ins optional

Mini Boost
Immune Boost
Immune Boost Max
Detox IV
Methylene Blue
High Dose Vitamin C
Exosome Infusion
NAD+ Infusion
Refuel + Reset
Power Quickie
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
B12 & Lipovite
Super B
Neuro Boost
Brain Boost
Cellular Support
Appetite Suppression

Optimize your body at a cellular level.

Book an IV or Injection Appointment

Boost Your Daily Wellness Routine